Do unmarried women do not have a gynaecological examination?

Creation time:2019-10-14      Number of visits:1235

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Being a woman is often plagued by a variety of gynaecological diseases. Some have symptoms that can be found in time, but some have no symptoms or symptoms that are not obvious in the early stage, and are often ignored by our female friends. When they are discovered, they are already very serious. Therefore, it is very necessary for women to do proper gynecological examinations at the right time.

Which women should do gynecological examinations?

01 As long as there is sexual behavior, the regular checkup

Under normal circumstances, regardless of the age of married women are the subject of gynecological examination, but in recent years, the incidence of gynecological tumors has become younger. Therefore, it is recommended that women who have sexual behavior should participate in regular gynecological examinations.

02 Unmarried women can be assured of maternity examination

There are very few unmarried women in the medical examination group. Many people think that it is a gynaecological examination to get married, and it is very wrong for unmarried women to make a gynaecological examination.

Some girls may have genital dysplasia, abnormal uterine position, etc., which need to be discovered by gynecological examination;

There are still many girls who are suffering from irregular menstruation and excessive vaginal discharge. They are embarrassed to have a gynecological examination. The result is often delayed or aggravated.

03 Adolescent women should also be vigilant

During puberty, the female central nervous system and the hypothalamic, pituitary, gonad, and sex hormone target organs (ie, reproductive organs) are gradually maturing, so women's bodies will also experience hurricane-like changes, and can not ignore the related Gynecological examination.

What phenomena should be checked in time?

01 Menstrual abnormalities

The performance of the menstrual period will directly reflect the physical condition of the woman. If there are too many or too few menstrual blood, abnormal cycles, short or too long duration, etc., it is necessary to check.

02 lower abdomen pain

It often manifests as pain during menstruation or intimate behavior. If you have long-term pain and even need medication to appease, you need to check it. It is likely that inflammation has occurred in the reproductive organs.

03 Lower body itching

If the lower body is always itching for no reason, it is likely to be related to endocrine abnormalities. It is necessary to check it. Do not use it at will, or it may cause chronic diseases.

04 leucorrhea abnormality

The leucorrhea can be described as the body's wind vane. If you find too much flow, strange smell, or turn yellow, it indicates the possibility of inflammation. If you have blood and accompanied by stinking leucorrhea, you may be attacked by cancer. Some have cervical polyps. Fibroids.

Ideal time for gynecological examination

If you have already had sex, it is recommended to check it once a year, and the time limit is recommended not to be more than 2-3 years.

At least 20 years of age, whether or not you have had a sexual experience, you should have a professional examination once a year, while middle-aged women can be examined twice a year, because this period is a high incidence of reproductive system tumors, which needs to be checked regularly.

The menstrual examination should be avoided. It is recommended to do it within one week after the menstrual cleansing for 3 days. At this time, the cervix is in the open stage, which is convenient for the doctor to understand and judge more accurately, and the test results in other periods are not as accurate as the period.

Misunderstanding of gynecological examination

Some women, afraid to do gynecological examinations, think that only B-ultrasound can be done.

However, B-ultrasound is not a panacea. When there is a lump, the diagnosis of B-ultrasound is very good.

However, in the diagnosis of gynecological diseases, some things can not be detected by B-ultrasound, and can only be found by vaginal examinations such as leucorrhea routine, colposcopy and TCT.

The body is the capital of the revolution, and everyone does not want to have unnecessary troubles for life or work because of gynecological diseases. Therefore, regular gynaecological examinations are important.

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